Thank you for joining us at Kansas City Dozer Day 2024!
The 2024 Dozer Day Committee sends out our heartfelt thanks to the hundreds of operator volunteers, general volunteers, and sponsors who gave their financial support, human resources support, and product support to make Dozer Day 2024 a huge success.
We are reminded of the strength that comes from working together—especially when it’s for the benefit of the children in our Kansas City region. This event brings the community together to create unforgettable experiences for kids, but we couldn't have done it alone.
Attendance: 6,456
Volunteers: 150+
Active Pieces of Equipment: 30
Static Equipment & Trucks: 37
Aggregate: 400 Tons
Sand: 100 Tons
Career Day High School Student Attendance: 450
High Schools Participating in Career Day: 26
We hope you enjoy the photo album* to relive some of the amazing moments. Click Here.
With gratitude,
Dozer Day Committee 2024
Bob Snyder, Dozer Day Committee Chair, Emery Sapp & Sons
Dan Dean, Workforce Development/Career Day Chair, Murphy Tractor & Equipment
Tara Edwards, Sponsorship Chair, Fleet Fuels LLC
Jeff Stacy, Vendor Chair, Advance Drainage Systems
Matt Groepel, Volunteer Co-Chair, Core and Main
Zach Lukas, Volunteer Co-Chair, BigIron
Kristen Rising, Guest Services/Ticketing Chair, Rising Construction
Melissa McMllin, Merchandise Chair, Emery Sapp & Sons,
Chad LaVoi, Security/Safety, Kissick Construction
Aaron Money, Career Day Committee, I-Solutions
Danny Anderson, NUCA GKCR President, George J. Shaw/Site Rite Construction
Tony Privitera, Director Emeritus, NUCA National President, Mark One Electric Company
Scott Brooke, Hamm Companies
Robert Motley, Badger Infrastructure
Tara Dinslage, StormTrap
Mary Jane Debenport, Executive Director, NUCA of Greater Kansas City Region
Jenna Waters, NUCA of Greater Kansas City Region
*photo credits: Adri Guyer, Stacy LaBarge, Sponsor Companies, and staff.

Dozer Day 2023 Thank You!
We hope you had an incredible time at the event. We can't thank you enough for your generous support, whether you volunteered, hosted a booth, donated equipment, or gave a monetary gift, making it all possible!
Special thanks to the more than 5,000 attendees for being a part of our crew!