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Greater KC Region Chapter of NUCA has several committees that perform the work of the organization. If you would like to join a committee, you may contact the Chair of that committee listed below or fill out the online form.

Committee Descriptions

Capital Improvement Roll Out Committee: a forum to develop and plan the annual event that presents local capital improvement projects. Contact Scott Wilson


Government Relations Committee: a forum to develop, monitor and review the KC Chapter's legislative and regulatory agenda. Contact: Danny Anderson

Membership & Retention Committee: a forum charged with the development of membership within the chapter. Contact: Bill Jackson

Safety Committee: a forum to identify safety and health problems, and legislative issues that affect utility contractors and excavators, and to make recommendations about what could be done to help NUCA members address these issues and problems. The ultimate goal is to reduce costly accidents, litigation, and unnecessary regulations. Contact: Chad LaVoi


Scholarship Committee: a forum to manage the scholarships awarded annually to college students. Contact: Mike Bader


Social Events Committee: a forum charged with the planning and execution of various networking events. Contact Tara Edwards


Workforce Development Committee: This committee supports organizations and public events that promote industry career opportunities, shares workforce recruitment and development programs in the Kansas City region, and seeks to prepare a pipeline of future employees for our industry. Contact Dan Dean


Dozer Day Committee: This committee manages the annual Dozer Day event and strives for continuous improvement to grow the fundraising capacity as well as the attendance each year. Contact Bob Snyder


Submit Volunteer Form

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